Sexual Harm Crisis
Our sexual harm team specialise in providing confidential support for survivors of sexual harm and their family/whanau. We are here to help, whether it happened recently or in the past.

In an emergency or if the sexual assault has just occurred, always dial 111 first.
Sexual harm is a highly personal issue for most people and the journey to recovery is different for everyone. Whether you decide to report it to police or not, our team is dedicated to helping you understand your options and help you work out what is right for you.
It is important to remember that you are not alone, what happened to you was not your fault and that we will walk along side you if you want support.
For out of hours support you can contact Safe to Talk on 0800 044 334
We can provide:
- Crisis sessions to help with the emotions you may be feeling and work together to find ways of coping
- Safety planning
- Goal Setting
- Advocacy
- Support into longer term counselling options.
If you decide to report, we can support you through:
Making initial and/or formal statements to the police
- If you have reported to the police, or you are thinking about reporting to the police, our team is able to provide emotional support. We can share information about the processes, your options, and be with you during the interview or any meetings.
Being there if you need a medical forensic examination
- If you report a recent sexual assault to police, they may offer you a forensic medical examination with specialist medical providers. We can give you information about this and tell you about your rights.
If the sexual assault/abuse occurred in the past, a therapeutic medical service is available for you. This medical is with specialist medical staff and focuses on your emotional health and wellbeing.
We are available to talk through the process, make referrals and support you at this medical if you wish.
Liaising with you and police
- We can assist with any communications with the police around your case and ensure that you have access to information about the progress of the investigation.
The court processes
- We can talk with you about the court process and help prepare you for any court proceedings you may be required to attend if your case goes to court. We can walk alongside you throughout this process and attend court hearings with you so that you don't feel like you are doing this alone.
Additional resources
We have developed these free resources that may help you and your whanau
Common questions you might have
Some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about this service.
All of our services are free. However, we are only partially funded so if you would like to donate, please click here.
Your confidentiality is very important to us. All support is confidential.
There are some limits to confidentiality, for example, we will report the risk of harm to you or others. We will keep you informed if this does need to happen. We will talk to you about confidentiality at the start of your support and you will be able to ask any questions then.
If you decide to do this, you can either call or go into your local Police station. If it’s an emergency situation where you’re in immediate danger, or you have injuries that need immediate attention, call 111.
Initially the Police will want you to briefly outline what happened to you. They may suggest you need a forensic medical and help you to access this. They will discuss with you what will happen next and the processes around evidence.
Soon after, you may be asked to do a formal interview. If you’re under 18, this is likely to be with specialist interviewers at Puawaitahi, the Police child protection agency. If you are aged 18 or over, this is likely to be with a detective at a Police station, with a crisis support worker there to assist you.
Yes - we can offer a range of supports to you and your whānau. We also run information sessions for parents/caregivers of children who have experienced sexual harm.
ACC Sensitive Claims is ACC funded support following sexual abuse or assault. You can have one-to-one sessions with an ACC approved therapist.
The number of sessions you receive depends on your needs. If you like, your family and whanau can also access some sessions. Learn More
Supporting Survivors
Family Action provides confidential support in West Auckland for all victim-survivors of family harm, sexual harm, abuse, or trauma. Your experiences may be historical or current. We will provide support to you and your family/whānau.

Are you in an abusive relationship?
Are you concerned about your relationship? Abusive behaviours can be physical actions or they can be more subtle. It can be saying things to you or feeling forced to do something because you’re fearful of their reaction.
Take an anonymous online test to check how your partner or ex’s actions impact you.